Northwest Association of Environmental Professionals

Job & Internship Board

If your company or organization has a job or internship opening, please share it with the NWAEP community!

To post on our Job Board yourself, you must have an NWAEP Membership. Once you log in, you'll be able to see and click on a "Create topic" button below. Put the basic information  — job title, company, (location) — in the "Subject" line, and a description of the job in the "Body" section. Use the simple HTML tools to add emphasis, necessary links, and attached documents. Please leave the "Stick topic to top of forum" box at the bottom unchecked, but include the job closing date in your job listing, if you have one.

If you are not an NWAEP member or otherwise need assistance, please drop us a note.

Northwest Association of Environmental Professionals     •     PO Box 11583, Portland, OR 97211         TheNWAEP at gmail dot com 


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