Statement of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to All
The NWAEP and the chapter’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) committee are working to better serve the diverse and underrepresented communities in our geography.
We are listening and striving to foster a culture within our organization where diversity is celebrated and intentionally recognized. We aim to implement thoughtful, practical, and innovative strategies that can serve as a model for all practicing and aspiring professionals in the environmental or STEM-related industries. NWAEP welcomes and derives value from the variety of views that our diverse members and partner organizations bring. In valuing diversity, NWAEP will act to foster open communication of diverse perspectives, experiences, and interests from all different backgrounds.
As NWAEP continues to reflect and provide opportunities to its current and prospective members, the organization’s core values of inclusion and equity will be purposefully reflected through the following priorities