Northwest Association of Environmental Professionals

Statement of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to All

The NWAEP and the chapter’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) committee are working to better serve the diverse and underrepresented communities in our geography.

We are listening and striving to foster a culture within our organization where diversity is celebrated and intentionally recognized. We aim to implement thoughtful, practical, and innovative strategies that can serve as a model for all practicing and aspiring professionals in the environmental or STEM-related industries. NWAEP welcomes and derives value from the variety of views that our diverse members and partner organizations bring. In valuing diversity, NWAEP will act to foster open communication of diverse perspectives, experiences, and interests from all different backgrounds.

As NWAEP continues to reflect and provide opportunities to its current and prospective members, the organization’s core values of inclusion and equity will be purposefully reflected through the following priorities

  1. Inclusion and Intentionality
    We purposefully strive to strengthen the recruitment, retention, and success of diverse students and professionals pursuing careers in environmental and other STEM-related fields through mentoring, equity, and transparency. We are working to increase the diversity of the NWAEP membership through outreach to underrepresented populations and cultivation of an inclusive welcoming social/professional climate within the organization. Providing members with strategic education and experiential opportunities for competency development will be at the forefront of providing our services and events for diversity and inclusion.

  2. Environmental Justice
    We recognize all people and communities are entitled to equal protection by environmental and public health laws and regulation and deserve access to clean air and water. Our initiatives to strengthen diversity and inclusion include addressing the interconnectedness between racial and economic inequality with a disproportionate share of the negative environmental consequences.  We seek to expand dialogue around issues of environmental injustice and inequality and draw attention to these issues in our roles as environmental professionals.

  3. Collaboration
    We commit to continue working with our partners and members and using our platform to advocate for greater equity and inclusion across the organization and environmental field more broadly. The NWAEP recognizes the interdependence of our partnerships with other stakeholders and community members to provide exceptional services and opportunities to our members. We recognize that advocating for change, contributing our talents and energy, and finding community by joining programs are all great ways to foster sustainable relationships to advocate for greater equity. Through our partnerships, we have provided financial and in-kind support; co-hosted special events, workshops, and trainings and are looking into more opportunities for mentoring, scholarships, and sponsorships for members of the BIPOC community to have equal access to valuable resources for their career-growth.

Northwest Association of Environmental Professionals     •     PO Box 11583, Portland, OR 97211         TheNWAEP at gmail dot com 


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